Academic Seminars and Talks
- Experimental Tests of Extended Theories of Gravity§§§, Workshop Local effects in gravitational physics: theoretical and experimental aspects – Salerno Italy, May 2nd, 2016
- Constraining Extedend Gravity by Gravity Probe B and LARES* – XXXX, 2015
- Hydrostatic equilibrium and stellar structure in Extended Theories of Gravity* – Problemi attuali di Fisica Teorica XXI – Vietri sul Mare (SA) Italy, March 29th, 2015
- Solutions and astrophysical applications of The Scalar Tensor Fourth Order Gravity – Workshop Local effects in gravitational physics: theoretical and experimental aspects – Salerno Italy, December 15th, 2014
- Probing Models of Extended Gravity using Gravity Probe B and LARES experiments§§§ - Workshop Local effects in gravitational physics: theoretical and experimental aspects – Salerno Italy, December 15th, 2014
- Conformal Transformations adn Weak Field Limit of Scalar Tensor Gravity – 100° SIF Meeting of the Italian Society of Physics – Pisa, Italy September 22th, 2014
- Conducting Foams for High Synchrotron Radiation Accelerators – 100° SIF Meeting of the Italian Society of Physics – Pisa, Italy September 22th, 2014
- Semi-Analytical Approach vs Simulation for E-cloud in the LHC magnetic Dipole§§ – 100° SIF Meeting of the Italian Society of Physics – Pisa, Italy September 22th, 2014
- Semi-Analytical Approach vs Simulation for E-cloud in the LHC magnetic Dipole§§ – International Measurement Confederation XX° IMEKO TC-4 International Symposium – Benevento, Italy September 15th, 2014
- The Scalar Tensor Fourth Order Gravity: solutions, astrophysical applications and conformal transformations – Problemi attuali di Fisica Teoria XX – Vietri sul Mare (SA) Italy, April 16th, 2014
- Conducting Foams for High Synchrotron Radiation Accelerators§ – The 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12) and The Third Asia-Europe Physics Summit (ASEPS3) – Chiba, Japan July 15th, 2013
- Conducting Foams for High Synchrotron Radiation Accelerators - AIV XXI CONGRESS Materials, Interfaces, Processes: New challenges for future applications, Catania, Italy May 15th, 2013
- Metallic Foam Option for the Vacuum System§ - Joint Snowmass EuCARD/AccNet HiLumi-LHC meeting "Frontier Capabilities for Hadron Colliders 2013", Geneva, Switzerland February 21th, 2013
- Study of Fourth Order Gravity at Low Energy by Analyzing the Gravitational Lensing and the Galactic Rotation Curves - XX SIGRAV Conference - Napoli, Italy October 23th, 2012
- Sponge-metal Beam Optimized Liners - Scientific Committee Meetings INFN V - Rome, Italy September 26th, 2012
- Maps for the Electron Cloud – XCVIII SIF Meeting of the Italian Society of Physics Napoli, Italy September 21th, 2012
- Alternatives Metric Theories of Gravity. Experimental Comparison of Theoretical Predictions – XCVIII SIF Meeting of the Italian Society of Physics - Napoli, Italy September 19th, 2012
- The Quadratic Coefficient of the Electron Cloud for LHC# - Ecloud'12, La Biodola Isola d'Elba, Italy June 8th 2012
- Numerical Analysis of Galactic Rotation Curves### - Mathematica Italia 5° User Group Meeting, Torino, Italy October 6th, 2011
- Research and Scientific Proposal at University of Sannio - Colloquium - Benevento, Italy April 29th, 2011
- Alternative point of view about the classical theory of Gravitation: The Fourth Order Gravity - Colloquium - University of Genova, Italy April 7th, 2011
- Axially symmetric solutions in f(R)-Gravity## - XIX SIGRAV Conference – Pisa, Italy September 29th, 2010
- Limite di Campo Debole per una Gravitazione del Quarto Ordine – XCVI SIF Meeting of the Italian Society of Physics - Bologna, Italy September 23th, 2010
- Dinamica dell’Electron Cloud: Calcolo dei Coefficienti della Mappa – XCVI SIF Meeting of the Italian Society of Physics - Bologna, Italy September 20th, 2010
- A Physical Interpretation of the Cubic Map Coefficients Describing the Electron Cloud Evolution# - XVIII RiNEm - Benevento, Italy September 8th, 2010
- Maps for Electron Cloud in LHC - XCV SIF Meeting of the Italian Society of Physics - Bari, Italy September 30th, 2009
- Going Higher Order to Escape the Dark*** – Torino, Italy February 20th, 2009
- The Weak Field Limit of Higher Order Gravity - PhD dissertation - University of Salerno, Italy March 20th, 2008
- The Weak Field Limit of Higher Order Gravity – Department of Physics at University of Salerno, Italy November 22th, 2007
- Extended Gravity: theory and phenomenology* – Milano, Italy November 13th, 2007
- The Dark Side of The Universe and its Interpretation fron the Point of View of Higher Order Gravity** – Cape Town, South Africa, March 13th, 2007
- Dark Energy and Dark Matter or Extended Gravity?* – Trento, Italy February 26th, 2007
- The PPN Formalism and a General Perturbative Scheme applied to f(R)-theory - University of Oslo, Norway March 30th, 2007
- Parameterization Post Newtonian of the Extended Theories of Gravity - University of Salerno, Italy November 3rd, 2005
Speaker: S. Capozziello (*), A. Troisi (**), V.F. Cardone (***), T. Demma (#), M. De Laurentis (##), G. Scelza (###), S. Petracca (§), W. Di Carmine (§§), An. Stabile (§§§)
Divulgazione scientifica
- Dall'infinitamente piccolo all'infinitamente grande: dagli acceleratori di particelle alle osservazioni cosmologiche – Seminario per le classi quinte presso il Liceo Scientifico “Rummo” di Benevento, Italy November 15th 2016
- Relatività Generale e Onde Gravitazionali – Seminario presso il Liceo Scientifico “Leonardo da Vinci” – Vallo della Lucania, Italy March 15th 2016
- I 100 anni della Relatività Generale - La visione dell'Universo prima e dopo Einstein. La Relatività: da Galilei ad Einstein – Seminario per gli studenti del primo anno di Ingegneria presso l'Università degli del Sannio, Italy December 2nd, 2015
- L'Uomo e l'Universo: due entità contenute l'una nell'altra. Dall'infinitamente piccolo all'infinitamente grande – Popular science talk, Aquara, Italy June 8th, 2014
- Extended Theories of Gravity - “OPENIng” evento divulgativo presso l’Università del Sannio – Benevento, Italy July 24th, 2013
- Electron Cloud nel Large Hadron Collider (CERN) - “OPENIng” evento divulgativo presso l’Università del Sannio – Benevento, Italy July 24th, 2013
- Sfera Celeste e Coordinate Astronomiche - Seminario presso il Liceo Scientifico de Caprariis, Atripalda (AV), 9 Maggio 2011
- L'Uomo e l'Universo - Seminario presso la comunità di Altavilla Silentina (SA), 28 Dicembre 2010
- Maps for Electron Cloud in LHC - Popular science talk - Benevento, Italy, September 25th, 2009